Saturday, March 8, 2008

I don't have a list today...

Today was filled with things I have to do, so while I'm participating in NaBloPoMo and the theme for March is lists, I have chosen NOT to do a list just because it seems like I should.

The last week or so has been busy and I am finding it challenging to keep up with all the posting - well, I'm keeping up, but I think the list thing can be limiting because I don't think about it as much as when I'm writing something. Does that even make sense?

I had all these grand plans to be writer when I was young. Now, all these years later, I can't think why I would ever imagine myself a writer. I'm glad to have the blog to start down the path again. I'm really rusty, so I guess this is just the dusting-off process. It feels pretty dusty in here...

It's all good, right? The journey to anywhere starts with the first step. I am taking it. I step daily. That's important.

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