Wednesday, April 23, 2008


First off, I am still disappointed that I started "Jean's Reading Renaissance" and I still have not really done any significant reading. How frustrating is that?!? I have just been too tired.

The other thing I wanted to just record here is that April has been a challenging month for me here on the blog. I think I am exhausted by the political scene - I listen to too much progressive radio and I think it gets me down sometimes. I think that kind of stuff really sinks into the subconcious and has a profound effect.

I love the idea of writing letters and the idea of focusing on a letter, I wish I had done better. I'm going to try to do better for the rest of the month. I just haven't been able to focus on anything. My mind has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime and sometimes I find it hard to marry the ahve a post about the water crisis in the world and then complain about my day...So that sometimes hinders my creative mind because I feel like I can't reconcile the two things. It seems silly because I see it all the time in the blogs that I read and it isn't jarring to me.. I think it is kind of like mixed tapes - sometimes you start on one mood and then the songs lead you in another direction and sometimes the direction is happy and sometimes it isn't...

Anyway, thanks for bearing with me.

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