Sunday, April 20, 2008

Allies Retreat 08

"More than anything, an Allies retreat is a chance for Deaf people, CODAs and Interpreters to understand each other in a new way. We begin our discussions acknowledging that we experience conflicts. We acknowledge that the field of interpreting is, above all, about working with people who are Deaf. We are committed to creating a space to listen and learn from what Deaf people want to tell us. And we are committed to recognizing that we must examine how we have responded to the needs of our diverse colleagues and consumers.

We believe that talking to each other can make a difference. We're committed to having challenging conversation in a supportive environment. We believe that by honoring each of our cultures, we can talk to each other more effectively. We believe that our difficulties often come from assumptions about what we know (and don't know). By practicing dialogue with each other, with the support of our peers at the retreat, we can transform the sometimes challenging experience of Deaf/CODA/hearing relationships." - Quote from Allies 08 information posted on YouTube.

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D-PAN interpretation of "Beautiful"

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