Monday, July 27, 2009

Hello, Pink Blog

I was missing this blog today, so I thought I would pop over and say hi. Hardly anyone comes here anymore, including me, which, I'm sure is why other people don't really stop by - nothing's happening.

It is incredibly hot today - supposed to be the hottest overnight low - 73 degrees overnight. Yuk. It was around 102 degrees during the day time, so everyone is just moving a little more slowly, thinking a little more slowly, conserving energy and trying not to sweat in the first place.

I'm doing some of the Great Work - trying to find more balance in life. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I'm taking a telecoaching course and struggling, but that's ok. Like it says in "The Velveteen Rabbit" - becoming isn't easy or is slow and rubs the pink out of our ears.

Life is good. Even when it doesn't feel like it.